I am currently searching for this viruses: -VirusConstructionset 1+2 -VIPHS -Leviathan -Diskval1234 If you have this viruses,please leave me message (or upload the viruses) to one of the following mailboxes: BoardName: Trade in Center USR Dual Standard ++49[0]708260611 Username: VW Password: VW Here you can download the newest version of DosTouch&VirusWorkshop. BoardName: Nuclear Destroyer USR Dual Standard ++49[0]572374340 Username: VW Password: VW Here you can download the newest version of DosTouch&VirusWorkshop. My user account is "FLAKE/MYSTIC". Or write me: Markus Schmall von Gravemeyerweg 25 30539 Hannover Tel.++49[0]511514944 (19.00-20.00)